
Get to know a little bit more about the people who bring SuperHealth to life!

Health Educator, Superfood Specialist and Founder of SuperHealth

Damian Donoghue

Like most children, Damian grew up in a world surrounded with chemicals, consuming conventional, toxic food. It was not until his early twenties, when he found himself living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, he realised a much healthier lifestyle was in order for him to regain quality of life. It was at this point his health journey began.

Damian spent many years working in health stores, researching and furthering his knowledge which enabled him to completely turn his whole life around, and he healed the Chronic Fatigue over an eight year period. He has now been in the health industry for over 19 years and has dedicated his life to helping others heal themselves and reach a level of vibrant health and vitality.

Building SuperHealth from the ground up as an avenue to provide the highest quality Superfood and detoxification products to the people of Australia, Damian now travels Australia educating people on how to achieve a state of vibrant health and lead happier lives.

He is constantly researching new cutting edge health practices, experimenting with superfood recipes and formulas and bringing the best new pieces of information to you through this website and his facebook page

General Manager


As Damian’s beloved sister, Renee has been using the SuperHealth range since the beginning, incorporating our products into her families life, and sharing her understanding and years of research both in, and out of, the office.

Having recently relocated back to Perth to be with her beautiful family and help build her brother’s business, you can now find Renee managing SuperHealth to ensure the smooth delivery of all of the different aspects of the business.

An advocate for balance and equal opportunity, Renee’s passion is to support others as they move through their health journey. A busy mum of two energetic teenagers, when she does find spare time, she will be found getting her hands dirty in her organic veggie garden or in the kitchen indulging her ridiculous love of healthy, organic food!

Events Manager


Brayden’s journey to health began 13 years ago when he found himself studying the book ‘The Chemical Maze’. His curiosity was also influenced at an early age by his older brother, Damian, as he observed his strong interest in health, and quickly found his own passion for what seemed to be a very positive and energetic way to live. Brayden has always been athletic, so he was familiar with the importance of eating well but as he started to include superfood nutrition into his life he noticed his health strengthening and his recovery time improving! From here on, his quest to fuel his body with the most amazing nutrition had begun! Brayden has since become a Personal Trainer and experiments with fasting, regular detoxing and now works alongside of his older brother, living everything organic and healthy!

Brayden is in a peak state of health and fitness and spends his time managing and running SuperHealth’s events. You’ll see him holding down the fort at The Secret to Vibrant Health, Vegan Food Feast and One Day Workshops! Come say hi!


Amanda Ledwith

Amanda has been active in the natural health industry for over 15 years and has been working as a Naturopath for over a decade.

Amanda is very passionate about helping people to reach their full health potential, specifically using Gut Microbiome testing and Genetic Wellness testing. These powerful diagnostic tests allow for a very personalised approach to healing and Amanda can develop a wellness plan based on your own personal biology.


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